Tuesday, 9 March 2021



Hi students, mothers, fathers.... families, 

In this post you can see some useful links to use in order to work Science, English or even Spanish or Maths with your children. 

If you have any question about how to use them, leave a comment below and I will help you asap. 

In every website there is space to look for information, games, activities by typing "key words" such as (animals, pets, healthy habits, prepositions...)

- https://www.liveworksheets.com/

- https://wordwall.net/es

- https://kahoot.com/schools-u/

- https://quizizz.com/

- https://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/

Besides, I want to give all you some advices, 

  1. Watch TV in English.
  2. Read easy books in English
  3. Read scientific texts in both languages
  4. Read books about different topics such as animals, plants, planets, water...